NAWSS Ltd was formed in 2015 as an alternative voice in the Australian white sheep breed industry.
The society is a registered company under the Corporations Act of 2001. The company is limited by shares and is a public company.
NAWSS was formed by the principals of Highveld International and Baringa Sheep Studs, the majority founding partners of this breed.
It is the view of the above founders that after the official public launch of the breed in March 2011, the Australian White is now a publically owned breed. As such, the breed deserves to be represented by a professionally run society with prescribed legal obligations towards its members. NAWSS Ltd is administered by The Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI), one of the world’s leading service providers in this field.
As a limited public company with legally prescribed obligations, combined with the technological expertise available to us through our administrators (ABRI), our members can be assured of a high level of transparent and professional service at all times. NAWSS, therefore, can confidently offer the best animal registration service currently available in the industry. Consequently, a member can be assured of prompt registration of breeding stock, prompt issue of pedigree certificates and professional processing of membership applications, renewals, notices of meetings, and other general membership enquiries.
All NAWSS public events are open to all members on an equal footing.